Hamze Bytyçi
Hamze Bytyçi born in 1982 in Prizren/Kosovo, lives and works in Berlin. In 2005 he graduated from acting school in Freiburg and founded the organization Amaro Drom (Our Way).
After a one-year engagement in Zurich, he moved to Berlin in 2006, where he performs and directs at Ballhaus Naunynstraße (Romeo rennt), Maxim Gorki Theater (Journey/Drom, Roma Armee) and smaller theaters. Since 2007 Bytyçi has been working as an independent theater and media educator at various Berlin schools.

In 2012 he founded the association RomaTrial e.V., in the same year he developed his own interactive performance format, Hilton 437, in which he addresses social and political issues. In 2017, he initiated the AKE DIKHEA? Festival of Romani Film, which he has been artistically directing ever since.
In 2018, together with Delaine Le Bas, he curated the 1st Roma Biennale COME OUT NOW! which took place at Maxim Gorki Theater. In 2020, together with Janko Lauenberger, he published the essay “Ein paar Sinti* sind geladen, noch mehr Roma* sind gekommen, reist die Mauern ein, Genscher heißt uns willkommen!” in Erinnern stören by Lydia Lierke and Massimo Perinelli (eds.).