Wir sind hier! with Annemie Martin & Jana Kießer
Wir sind hier! is a transnational educational programme against antigypsyism: Estera Sara Stan, David Paraschiv, Naomi Stan and Elisa EsteraParaschiv are Peer-Trainers against antigypsyism and play Forumtheater. Recently they performed at the Festival “Aesthetics of Solidarity”, at Savvy Contemporary and at Festiwalla in Berlin.
All together they created photographs of the trees at the Memorial to the Sinti* and Roma* Victims of National Socialism which is threatened by the planned construction of a train line. The Memorial and the belonging trees have to remain untouched!

Annemie Martin and Jana Kießer both studied Photography at Ostkreuzschule for Photography in Berlin, since 2020 they work as an artist duo. Both include participatory elements in their projects. Annemie’s focus is on climate change, sociological and socio-political topics, Jana deals with abuse of power, botanicals and feminist issues. janakiesser.de, annemiemartin.de